A penny saved is a penny earned. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- デヴィ夫人が23日、ウクライナの首都キーウや 民間人虐殺があったブチャの病院などを訪れ、 国内避難民へ防寒着…
The sun shines on me every day. The fresh sun of today. The beginning of happiness. I want to share this happiness with you. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- とても良いニ…
A new day begins. Fresh is the day. The morning sun shines on you. You feel happy. Let's go. --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 救急車利用を有料にする 先日、東京で救急車が中央分離帯…
I heard voices in the sky today. I don't know whose voice it was. I think it was coming for me. A warm, calm voice. There's nothing to be afraid of. Let's go. On to the next stage. ------------------------------------------------- --------…
Japan is a unique country. The old are stupid. The young are cowards. It is a peaceful day. Nothing changes in Japan. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 一富士二鷹三茄子四扇五煙草六座頭 …
I'm fine today. very happy. Grandpa 62 is doing well. I'm walking into the sunrise. Serotonin is flowing. --------------------------------------------- お正月、ありがとうございます。 お正月、ありがとうございます。 楽しいです。 昭和98年です…