I'm fine today. very happy. Grandpa 62 is doing well. I'm walking into the sunrise. Serotonin is flowing. ------------------------------------------------------ 熱中症に注意を 日本本土は灼熱地獄と化しているようですが、 大丈夫ですか? 熱中…
Hi there I heard voices in the sky today. I don't know whose voice it was. I think it was coming for me. A warm, calm voice. There's nothing to be afraid of. Let's go. On to the next stage. -------------------------------------------------…
The way to create a happy life is. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself and act on it. Life is a long journey. Let's help each other. ------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------…
Japanese people are the most serious people in the world. And the most boring people in the world. ----------------------------------------------------- 値上がりを承認しろと国民を洗脳する日銀 さて、日銀・黒田総裁の発言が笑えない。 「家計は…