I just didn't like the way he laughed. That's why I put the knife in front of you. And then you got all serious about it. Don't make me so sad. ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------…
Today I am happy. Thank you for these wonderful days. You will be happy too. Because you are reading this. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- なあんだあー。アメリカは結局、…
I know that Japan is dying. I will run away. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 英エリザベス女王が永眠した。在位70年。 まさに「英…
Hi there. It's a beautiful day The sun is shining I feel good -------------------------------------------------- Amazon music unlimited 予想通り、Amazon music unlimitedが 3ヶ月間無料になったので利用している。 Spotify比べ、Amazon music unli…